S Maidhili, G Meenambika, K Nithyanandam
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Library Space and Content Management for Networked Society
Maidhili S., G. Meenambika and Dr. K. Nithyanandam abstract: This paper will briefly discuss on the Kaizen formula and 5S of Japanese strategies for the improvement in space management of any organization. This paper explains about the various aspects of kaizen, its meaning, history, PDCA cycle and 5S in detail. The 5S are sort, straighten, shine, standardize and sustain. KAI means change, ZEN means good that is change to good, its definition tell us about it is a small improvement bring it by every employee on daily basis that brings continuous improvement. 5S engages people through the use of standards and discipline. 5S is the abbreviation of Japanese terms with five initials of S. These are 1. Seiri 2. Seiton 3. Seiso 4. Seiketsu 5. Shitsuke. The first step Seiri means sort, that is sort out and separate that which is needed and not needed in the area of the library organization.
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Scholar articles
S Maidhili, G Meenambika, K Nithyanandam - Library Space and Content Management for Networked …, 2014