Olivia A Skrobot, Sandra E Black, Christopher Chen, Charles DeCarli, Timo Erkinjuntti, Gary A Ford, Rajesh N Kalaria, John O'Brien, Leonardo Pantoni, Florence Pasquier, Gustavo C Roman, Anders Wallin, Perminder Sachdev, Ingmar Skoog, VICCCS group, FE Taragano, J Kril, M Cavalieri, KA Jellinger, GG Kovacs, S Engelborghs, C Lafosse, PH Bertolucci, S Brucki, P Caramelli, TC de Toledo Ferraz Alves, C Bocti, T Fulop, DB Hogan, GR Hsiung, A Kirk, L Leach, A Robillard, DJ Sahlas, Q Guo, J Tian, L Hokkanen, H Jokinen, S Benisty, V Deramecourt, J Hauw, H Lenoir, M Tsatali, M Tsolaki, U Sundar, RF Coen, AD Korczyn, M Altieri, M Baldereschi, C Caltagirone, G Caravaglios, A Di Carlo, V Di Piero, G Gainotti, S Galluzzi, G Logroscino, P Mecocci, DV Moretti, A Padovani, T Fukui, M Ihara, T Mizuno, SY Kim, R Akinyemi, O Baiyewu, A Ogunniyi, A Szczudlik, AJ Bastos‐Leite, H Firmino, J Massano, A Verdelho, LS Kruglov, MK Ikram, N Kandiah, E Arana, J Barroso‐Ribal, T Calatayud, AJ Cruz‐Jentoft, S López‐Pousa, P Martinez‐Lage, M Mataro, A Börjesson‐Hanson, E Englund, EJ Laukka, C Qiu, M Viitanen, GJ Biessels, F‐E de Leeuw, T den Heijer, LG Exalto, LJ Kappelle, ND Prins, E Richard, B Schmand, E van den Berg, WM van der Flier, B Bilgic, LM Allan, J Archer, J Attems, A Bayer, D Blackburn, C Brayne, R Bullock, PJ Connelly, A Farrant, M Fish, K Harkness, PG Ince, P Langhorne, J Mann, FE Matthews, P Mayer, ST Pendlebury, R Perneczky, R Peters, D Smithard, BC Stephan, JE Swartz, S Todd, DJ Werring, SN Wijayasiri, G Wilcock, G Zamboni, R Au, S Borson, A Bozoki, JN Browndyke, MM Corrada, PK Crane, BS Diniz, L Etcher, H Fillit, SM Greenberg, LT Grinberg, SW Hurt, M Lamar, M Mielke, BR Ott, G Perry, WJ Powers, C Ramos‐Estebanez, B Reed, RO Roberts, JR Romero, AJ Saykin, S Seshadri, L Silbert, Y Stern, C Zarow
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Alzheimer's & Dementia
Progress in understanding and management of vascular cognitive impairment (VCI) has been hampered by lack of consensus on diagnosis, reflecting the use of multiple different assessment protocols. A large multinational group of clinicians and researchers participated in a two‐phase Vascular Impairment of Cognition Classification Consensus Study (VICCCS) to agree on principles (VICCCS‐1) and protocols (VICCCS‐2) for diagnosis of VCI. We present VICCCS‐2.
We used VICCCS‐1 principles and published diagnostic guidelines as points of reference for an online Delphi survey aimed at achieving consensus on clinical diagnosis of VCI.
Six survey rounds comprising 65–79 participants agreed guidelines for diagnosis of VICCCS‐revised mild and major forms of VCI and endorsed the National Institute of Neurological Disorders–Canadian Stroke Network neuropsychological …
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