Laura Viliardos, Jeannette Roddy
Publication date
The paper discusses a service evaluation of one TRaCCs clinic. The [anonymised for review] clinic has been collecting client data since September 2021 when all clients were seen remotely. Since 2022, the clinics have provided a hybrid service where clients can be seen face-to-face, by telephone or video link. This research was undertaken to understand the profile of clients accessing the services and to see whether there were any differences in outcome for clients by demographic or mode of therapy. The TRaCCs collaboration was critical in supporting the establishment of the data protocol used in this research. Advertising material for the counselling service focuses on the client experience and uses non-binary pronouns. Counsellors are recruited from a variety of backgrounds. Clients self-referred, allowing autonomy. Data (CORE-10, PHQ-9 and GAD-7) was collected before each session and at the end of …