Jeannette Roddy, Leigh Gardner, Linda Dubrow-Marshall
Working with Client Experiences of Domestic Abuse
Creating the right environment for counselling to take place is vital for any therapy to progress. The nature of domestic abuse, such that it is a relational abuse, requires very strong and clear therapeutic relationships to be built. As counselling trainers, we assessed the level of skills required and concluded this was above the standard of skills normally required in final assessments during counselling training. This chapter identifies the main skills required to work well with someone who has experienced domestic abuse. It also invites you to reflect on your competency level regarding these skills and to consider how these could be improved (if necessary). This chapter also discusses the important issues of building trust and hope, as well as how to respond to difficult client disclosures during therapy, in the context of ethics and safeguarding.
Scholar articles
J Roddy, L Gardner, L Dubrow-Marshall - Working with Client Experiences of Domestic Abuse