Jeongyeup Paek, Kyu-Han Kim, Jatinder P Singh, Ramesh Govindan
Publication date
Proceedings of the 9th international conference on Mobile systems, applications, and services
Many emerging location-aware applications require position information. However, these applications rarely use celltower-based localization because of its inaccuracy, preferring instead to use the more energy-hungry GPS.
In this paper, we present CAPS, a Cell-ID Aided Positioning System. CAPS leverages near-continuous mobility and the position history of a user to achieve significantly better accuracy than the celltower-based approach, while keeping energy overhead low. CAPS is designed based on the insight that users exhibit consistency in routes traveled, and that cell-ID transition points that the user experiences can, on a frequently traveled route, uniquely identify position. To this end, CAPS uses a cell-ID sequence matching technique to estimate current position based on the history of cell-ID and GPS position sequences that match the current cell-ID sequence. We have implemented CAPS on Android …
Total citations
Scholar articles
J Paek, KH Kim, JP Singh, R Govindan - Proceedings of the 9th international conference on …, 2011