Jia Li, Behrad Moeini, Shiva Nejati, Mehrdad Sabetzadeh, Michael McCallen
Publication date
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering
The Internet of Things (IoT) connects a plethora of smart devices globally across various applications like smart cities, autonomous vehicles, and health monitoring. Simulation plays a key role in the testing of IoT systems, noting that field testing of a complete IoT product may be infeasible or prohibitively expensive. This paper addresses a specific yet important need in simulation-based testing for IoT: Stress testing of cloud systems that are increasingly employed in IoT applications. Existing stress testing solutions for IoT demand significant computational resources, making them ill-suited and costly. We propose a lean simulation framework designed for IoT cloud stress testing. The framework enables efficient simulation of a large array of IoT and edge devices that communicate with the cloud. To facilitate simulation construction for practitioners, we develop a domain-specific language (DSL) , named IoTECS, for …
Scholar articles
J Li, B Moeini, S Nejati, M Sabetzadeh, M McCallen - IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 2024