Nicholas Kraft, Brandon Bonds, Randy Smith
Publication date
Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, SEKE
Code duplication is a common software development practice that introduces several similar or identical segments of code, or code clones. In addition, there is currently a trend towards the use of multiple languages in the development of software systems. While there has been much work on clone detection and increased interest in studies of multi-language software systems, there have been no studies of code clones that span multiple languages, which we term cross-language code clones. In this paper we describe an approach for cross-language clone detection. We then introduce a tool, which is based on the CodeDOM library that is included with the Microsoft .NET Framework, to demonstrate the existence of cross-language clones in a real software system that contains both C# and Visual Basic .NET source code. Because our clone detection algorithm operates on a tree structure, other tree-based clone detection algorithms could be substituted in the implementation of our tool.
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