Barney Pell, Rion Snow, Scott A Waterman
Publication date
Patent office
Patent number
Application number
(65) Prior Publication Data(Continued) US 2009/OO89047 A1 Apr. 2, 2009 Primary Examiner—Brian Albertalli Related US Application Data(74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm—Hope Baldauff, LLC (60) Provisional application No. 60/969,451, filed on Aug.(57) ABSTRACT
31, 2007, provisional application No. 60/969,486,-filed on Aug. 31, 2007. Technologies are described herein for probabilistically assigning weights to word senses and hypernyms of a word.(51) Int. Cl. The Weights can be used in natural language processing appli G06F 7/27(2006.01) cations such as information indexing and querying. A word G06F 7/30(2006.01) hypernym weight (WHW) score can be determined by sum (52) US Cl. ming word sense probabilities of word senses from which the USPC............................................... 704/9; 707/711 hypernym is inherited. WHW scores can be used to prune (58) Field of Classification Search away hypernyms …
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