TN Mamedov, VN Duginov, VG Grebinnik, KI Gritsaj, VG Olshevsky, V Yu Pomjakushin, VA Zhukov, BF Kirillov, BA Nikolsky, AV Pirogov, AN Ponomarev, VA Suetin, VN Gorelkin
Publication date
Hyperfine Interactions
Baltzer Science Publishers, Baarn/Kluwer Academic Publishers
The dependence of the residual polarization of negative muons in p-type Si on temperature in the 4.2–270 K range has been investigated. Measurements were carried out in external magnetic field of 0.08 T transverse to the muon spin. The impurity concentration in the sample was 2 · 1013 cm−3. Muon spin relaxation was observed at temperatures below 30 K. The relaxation rate atT=30 K is equal to 0.18±0.08μs−1. The relaxation rate grows with the decrease of temperature and at 4.2 K exceeds 30μs−1. The value of the residual polarization at zero timeP(t=0) is constant within the investigated temperature range.
In the rangeT<30 K data on the relaxation rate are well described by the dependence λ=B·T−q, whereq=2.75. Power dependence of Λ may evidence the essential role of the phonon mechanism in the relaxation of the electron momentum of the acceptor center.
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Scholar articles
TN Mamedov, VN Duginov, VG Grebinnik, KI Gritsaj… - Hyperfine Interactions, 1994