Pengfei Zhao, Kai Liu, Hao Zou, Xiantong Zhen
Publication date
Remote Sensing
Despite the fact that automatic target recognition (ATR) in Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images has been extensively researched due to its practical use in both military and civil applications, it remains an unsolved problem. The major challenges of ATR in SAR stem from severe data scarcity and great variation of SAR images. Recent work started to adopt convolutional neural networks (CNNs), which, however, remain unable to handle the aforementioned challenges due to their high dependency on large quantities of data. In this paper, we propose a novel deep convolutional learning architecture, called Multi-Stream CNN (MS-CNN), for ATR in SAR by leveraging SAR images from multiple views. Specifically, we deploy a multi-input architecture that fuses information from multiple views of the same target in different aspects; therefore, the elaborated multi-view design of MS-CNN enables it to make full use of limited SAR image data to improve recognition performance. We design a Fourier feature fusion framework derived from kernel approximation based on random Fourier features which allows us to unravel the highly nonlinear relationship between images and classes. More importantly, MS-CNN is qualified with the desired characteristic of easy and quick manoeuvrability in real SAR ATR scenarios, because it only needs to acquire real-time GPS information from airborne SAR to calculate aspect differences used for constructing testing samples. The effectiveness and generalization ability of MS-CNN have been demonstrated by extensive experiments under both the Standard Operating Condition (SOC) and Extended Operating Condition …
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