Noli Osmani, Monika Lutovska, Albina Mucha
Publication date
Skopje, North Macedonia
The occupational environment and work procedures of automobile technicians are closely tied with chemicals, which often have fundamental roles in many procedures during daily activities. Automobile technicians can be exposed to different chemicals on a daily basis, which can lead to health deterioration and a lower quality of life with prolonged long-term exposure. The key challenge that health and safety now faces are to engage and influence the huge variety of businesses, particularly small businesses, and to help them manage health and safety more effectively. As a result of insufficient implementation of appropriate safety rules or management procedures, as well as lack of training for the employees to carry out these practices, the majority of exposure occurred especially on projects undertaken by small companies. The main objective of this paper is to assess the occupational exposure frequency to chemicals as well as the level of the awareness among the employees in order to build a more insightful database of issues related to Occupational Health and Safety.