Michael Coldwell, Toby Greany, Steve Higgins, Chris Brown, Bronwen Maxwell, Bernadette Stiell, Louise Stoll, Benjamin Willis, Helen Burns
Publication date
Department for Education
This is the final report of the Evidence-informed teaching: evaluation of progress study. Drawing on an evidence review, content analysis of websites, documents and social media and nearly 100 interviews with teachers and leaders it examines teachers' and leaders awareness of, engagement with and use of research evidence. For teachers, the key finding was that evidence-informed teaching meant drawing on research evidence to integrate and trial in their own practice, rather than directly applying research findings,prompted by a need to solve a practical problem. For schools, the key finding was that the most strongly research-engaged schools were highly effective, well-led organisations within which 'research use' meant integrating research evidence into all aspects of their work as part of an ethos of continual improvement and reflection. In the most highly research-engaged schools, senior leaders played a key role. A set of recommendations are made to improve research engagement in English schools.
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