Jan Sedmidubsky, Petr Elias, Pavel Zezula
Publication date
Similarity Search and Applications: 9th International Conference, SISAP 2016, Tokyo, Japan, October 24-26, 2016, Proceedings 9
Springer International Publishing
Motion capture data digitally represent human movements by sequences of body configurations in time. Searching in such spatio-temporal data is difficult as query-relevant motions can vary in lengths and occur arbitrarily in the very long data sequence. There is also a strong requirement on effective similarity comparison as the specific motion can be performed by various actors in different ways, speeds or starting positions. To deal with these problems, we propose a new subsequence matching algorithm which uses a synergy of elastic similarity measure and multi-level segmentation. The idea is to generate a minimum number of overlapping data segments so that there is at least one segment matching an arbitrary subsequence. A non-partitioned query is then efficiently evaluated by searching for the most similar segments in a single level only, while guaranteeing a precise answer with respect to the …
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Scholar articles
J Sedmidubsky, P Elias, P Zezula - Similarity Search and Applications: 9th International …, 2016