Nicola S Clayton, DP Gri½ths, Anthony Dickinson
The Evolution of Cognition
Memory is a trick that evolution has invented to allow creatures to compress physical time. Owners of biological memory systems are capable of behaving more appropriately at a later time because of their experiences at an earlier time, a feat not possible for organisms without memory. ÐTulving, 1995a, p. 285
The acquisition of memories concerned with unique, personal past experiences and their subsequent recall has long been the subject of intensive investigation in humans. This type of memory is referred to as episodic memory (Tulving, 1972), to separate it from other forms of recall such as memories of facts about the world that have not been acquired through personal experience (Tulving, 1983). Another hallmark of episodic memory is that``it receives and stores information about temporally dated episodes or events, and temporal-spatial relations among these events''(Tulving, 1972, p. 385). Thus, episodic …
Scholar articles
NS Clayton, DP Gri½ths, A Dickinson - The Evolution of Cognition