Betty HC Cheng, Kerstin I Eder, Martin Gogolla, Lars Grunske, Marin Litoiu, Hausi A Müller, Patrizio Pelliccione, Anna Perini, Nauman A Qureshi, Bernhard Rumpe, Daniel Schneider, Frank Trollmann, Norha M Villegas
Publication date
Models@ run. time: foundations, applications, and roadmaps
Springer International Publishing
A self-adaptive software system modifies its behavior at runtime in response to changes within the system or in its execution environment. The fulfillment of the system requirements needs to be guaranteed even in the presence of adverse conditions and adaptations. Thus, a key challenge for self-adaptive software systems is assurance. Traditionally, confidence in the correctness of a system is gained through a variety of activities and processes performed at development time, such as design analysis and testing. In the presence of self-adaptation, however, some of the assurance tasks may need to be performed at runtime. This need calls for the development of techniques that enable continuous assurance throughout the software life cycle. Fundamental to the development of runtime assurance techniques is research into the use of models at runtime (M@RT). This chapter explores the state of the art for …
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Scholar articles
BHC Cheng, KI Eder, M Gogolla, L Grunske, M Litoiu… - Models@ run. time: foundations, applications, and …, 2014