William Caraher, R Scott Moore, Jay S Noller, D Pettegrew
Publication date
Report of the Department of Antiquities Cyprus
The Pyla-Koutsopetria Archaeological Project (PKAP) is a diachronic, intensive archaeological investigation of a 5sq. km. area on the southern coast of Cyprus. The area under investigation stretches from the eastern outskirts of the city of Larnaka to the western limits of the British base at Dekeleia. The overall aim of the project is to determine the relationship between the material culture of this stretch of coastline and other coastal sites on the island, inland sites in the vicinity of Larnaka, and the Eastern Mediterranean more generally. We are pursuing two lines of inquiry in a multi-year research program: 1) to define the limits and nature of the substantial Late Roman site in this area through a variety of archaeological methods, including intensive survey, analysis of wall paintings, and core sampling; and 2) to contextualise this material in terms of the settlement history of this micro-region from the prehistoric period to the present by expanding the survey area inland in subsequent seasons. In this preliminary report we will introduce the area, discuss methodology, and present some of the results from the first two seasons of our project from what appears to be a significant coastal site.
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Scholar articles
W Caraher, RS Moore, JS Noller, D Pettegrew - Report of the Department of Antiquities Cyprus, 2005