Prasad M Deshpande, Karthikeyan Ramasamy, Amit Shukla, Jeffrey F Naughton
Publication date
Proceedings of the 1998 ACM SIGMOD international conference on Management of data
Caching has been proposed (and implemented) by OLAP systems in order to reduce response times for multidimensional queries. Previous work on such caching has considered table level caching and query level caching. Table level caching is more suitable for static schemes. On the other hand, query level caching can be used in dynamic schemes, but is too coarse for “large” query results. Query level caching has the further drawback for small query results in that it is only effective when a new query is subsumed by a previously cached query. In this paper, we propose caching small regions of the multidimensional space called “chunks”. Chunk-based caching allows fine granularity caching, and allows queries to partially reuse the results of previous queries with which they overlap. To facilitate the computation of chunks required by a query but missing from the cache, we propose a new organization for …
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Scholar articles
PM Deshpande, K Ramasamy, A Shukla, JF Naughton - Proceedings of the 1998 ACM SIGMOD international …, 1998