Anna De Masi, Pablo A Ferrari, Errico Presutti, Nahuel Soprano-Loto
Publication date
International workshop on Stochastic Dynamics out of Equilibrium
Springer International Publishing
The Branching Brownian Motion (BBM) process consists of particles performing independent Brownian motions in , and each particle creating a new one at rate 1 at its current position. The newborn particles’ increments and branchings are independent of the other particles. The N-BBM process starts with N particles and, at each branching time, the left-most particle is removed so that the total number of particles is N for all times. The N-BBM process has been originally proposed by Maillard, and belongs to a family of processes introduced by Brunet and Derrida. We fix a density with a left boundary , and let the initial particles’ positions be iid continuous random variables with density . We show that the empirical measure associated to the particle positions at a fixed time t converges to an absolutely continuous measure with density as . The limit is solution of a …
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Scholar articles
A De Masi, PA Ferrari, E Presutti, N Soprano-Loto - International workshop on Stochastic Dynamics out of …, 2017