Paul C Banko, Chris Farmer, Carter T Atkinson, Kevin W Brinck, Richad Camp, Colleen Cole, Raymond Canner, Steve Dougill, Daniel Goltz, Elizabeth Gray, Steven C Hess, Jennifer Higashino, Susan I Jarvi, Luanne Johnson, Leona Laniawe, Megan Laut, Linda Miller, Christopher J Murray, Daniel Nelson, David L Leonard, Peter Oboyshi, Leanne Patch-Highfill, David D Pollock, Kalei Rapozo, Marla Schwarzfeld, John Slotterback, Robert M Stephens
Publication date
Technical Report
University of Hawaii at Hilo
The Palila Restoration Project was initiated in 1996 by the US Geological Survey to assist government agencies mitigate the effects of realigning Saddle Road (Highway 200) through Palila Critical Habitat (US Fish and Wildlife Service 1998, Federal Highway Administration 1999). Ecological research on the palila (Loxioides bailleui), an endangered Hawaiian forest bird, carried out by the US Geological Survey (formerly organized as the Research Division of US Fish and Wildlife Service) since 1987 and research conducted by the Palila Restoration Project provided the scientific bases for developing a recovery strategy (US Fish and Wildlife Service 2006) and its adaptive implementation. The main objectives of the Palila Restoration Project were to develop techniques for reintroducing the palila to a portion of its former range, investigate the biological threats to the palila and its habitat, and synthesize the existing body of ecological knowledge concerning the palila. Five broad study themes formed the research framework: 1. Population reintroduction and restoration 2. Demography and breeding ecology 3. Habitat use and food ecology 4. Vegetation ecology 5. Predator ecology and management An element that was not included in the research program of the project was the ecology and management of introduced ungulates, which has historically constituted the single greatest threat to Palila Critical Habitat (Banko et al. 2009). The absence of ungulate studies should not be interpreted to mean that we believe ungulates no longer damage palila habitat. Other research has already established that removing alien browsers and grazers from Mauna …
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Scholar articles
PC Banko, C Farmer, CT Atkinson, KW Brinck, R Camp… - Technical Report, 2014