Boris E Rashkovskiy
Publication date
Хазарский альманах
Інститут сходознавства ім. АЮ Кримського НАН України
The publication of this short note in the 17th volume of the Khazar Almanac, devoted also to Vladimir Petrukhin’s jubilee, is a great honor for me. The present study is an homage to V. Petrukhin’s role in the renewal of Judaic studies in Post-Soviet Russia and especially in the field of the research of early medieval sources for East-European history written in Hebrew and other Jewish languages. Another kind of homage is my reference to Abraham Eliyahu Harkavy who was the first researcher and publisher of the earliest evidences on the history of East-European peoples (especially the Khazars and the Rus’) written in Judaeo-Arabic [Harkavy,
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