Amy Glasmeier
Publication date
Durham, NH: Carsey Institute, University of New Hampshire
21st Century restructuring of employment in the Northeast Page 1 21 st Century Restructuring of Employment in the Northeast Meeting the Challenges of Preserving a Way of Life Amy Glasmeier E Willard Miller Professor of Economic Geography and the John Whisman Appalachian Scholar The Carsey Institute, University of New Hampshire Page 2 Like most successful places, there comes a time when the future seems uncertain ◆ Big changes are a foot: the global is impacting the local ◆ Globally – Outsourcing – Outright international competition – Corporate identity in flux ◆ Locally – Rising cost of living – Aging population – Integration of new members of society All old problems that must be addressed Page 3 New England has Always Been Global and it has Responded – Colonies – Textiles – Machines – Light manufacturing – High tech 1 – High tech 2 Today A time when the past and the future are about to …