FC Ross, DE Mayer, J Horn, JF Cryan, D Del Rio, E Randolph, CIR Gill, A Gupta, RP Ross, C Stanton, EA Mayer
Publication date
Nutritional Neuroscience
Taylor & Francis
Many epidemiological studies have shown the beneficial effects of a largely plant-based diet, and the strong association between the consumption of a Mediterranean-type diet with healthy aging including a lower risk of cognitive decline. The Mediterranean diet is characterized by a high intake of olive oil, fruits and vegetables and is rich in dietary fiber and polyphenols – both of which have been postulated to act as important mediators of these benefits. Polyphenols are large molecules produced by plants to protect them from environmental threats and injury. When ingested by humans, as little as 5% of these molecules are absorbed in the small intestine with the majority metabolized by the gut microbiota into absorbable simple phenolic compounds. Flavan-3-ols, a type of flavonoid, contained in grapes, berries, pome fruits, tea, and cocoa have been associated with many beneficial effects on several risk factors for …
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