Gabe Mythen
Publication date
Components of System Safety: Proceedings of the Tenth Safety-critical Systems Symposium, Southampton, UK 2002
Springer London
In contemporary culture, risk has become a ubiquitous issue, casting its spectre over a wide range of practices and experiences. Despite such omnipresence, the meaning of risk is inherently uncertain and contestable. Since the Enlightenment period, prevalent social bodies have sought to accumulate information about the nature of risk. Without doubt, this process has facilitated heightened risk awareness within institutions and improved risk consciousness amongst individuals. In contemporary society, risk issues such as food safety, biotechnology and international terrorism are currently being debated by politicians, scientists, academics and the general public. Nonetheless, the growing public debate about risk and the advancement of scientific knowledge have not led to public perceptions of a safe and secure environment [Pidgeon 2000]. Somewhat paradoxically, as the `answers’ to risk dilemmas are …
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Scholar articles
G Mythen - Components of System Safety: Proceedings of the …, 2002