Nicolas Fahrni, Alexander Repenning
Publication date
Proceedings of the 17th Workshop in Primary and Secondary Computing Education
This practical report explores the impact of forced learning design changes due to the Corona pandemic. At the School of Education Northwestern Switzerland over 2000 K-6 pre-service elementary school teachers got educated in computer science and computer science education over the last five years employing a learning design evolved through a Design Based Implementation Research (DBIR) approach. Assessing efficacy of the course through effect sizes the 2019 courses have served as pre-Corona baseline. Changing hastily in 2020 to online learning dramatically shifted the learning design in ways not initially anticipated in the DBIR process. Collaborative face-to-face (f2f) learning activities got replaced with individual online learning. Employing effect sizes has allowed us to quantify a Corona effect by comparing self-efficacy measures before Corona and during Corona. While there where only small effect …