Gogra, Alhaji Brima, Yao Jun, Edward Hinga Sandy, Gyula Zaray, Solomon Peter Gbanie, Celeste and Bandagba Tjobe, Tamba Samuel
Publication date
Journal of American Science
The most important development goals from the completion of the Bumbuna Hydroelectric Project (BHP) will be to accelerate economic growth, and poverty reduction, through the development of affordable power generation for domestic use in an environmentally sustainable, and efficient manner. Besides mobilizing private capital, the proposed Project will promote private sector involvement in the management of the power sector, and sustainable sector reform. The first component includes Hydroelectric and Transmission Infrastructure; and the second component is the funding of the implementation of the Dam/Reservoir, and the Transmission Line Resettlement Action Plan, with livelihood restoration and agriculture stabilization subcomponents, in addition to a comprehensive Environmental Management and Mitigation Plan (EMP). And the Technical Assistance component will fund the management and supervision of activities under the second component, and in addition, provide support to the Project Implementation Unit (PIU), the Dam Review Panel (DRP), and the Environmental and Social Advisory Panel (ESAP). This paper discusses environmental sustainability visàvis regulatory compliance and environmental policy issues as related to the challenges and benefits being experienced by the Bumbuna Hydroelectric Project (BHP) in Sierra Leone. Its goal is to present strategies by applying established theoretical concepts and frameworks to the BHP case and examines some critical success factors that could be integrated into best practice management, especially in the face of future environmental and socioeconomic challenges. The …