Ming Li,Jian Weng, Jia-Nan Liu, Xiaodong Lin, Charlie Obimbo
Publication date
IEEE Internet of Thing Journal
With the increasing number of traffic accidents and terrorist attacks by modern vehicles, vehicular digital forensics (VDF) has gained significant attention in identifying evidence from the related digital devices. Ensuring the law enforcement agency to accurately integrate various kinds of data is a crucial point to determine the facts. However, malicious attackers or semi-honest participants may undermine the digital forensic procedures. Enabling accountability and privacy preservation while providing secure data access control in VDF is a nontrivial challenge. To mitigate this issue, in this article, we propose a blockchain-based decentralized solution for VDF named BB-VDF, in which the accountable protocols and privacy-preserving algorithm are constructed. The desirable security properties and fine-grained data access control are achieved based on smart contract and the customized cryptographic construction …
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