Theo Wubbels, Mieke Brekelmans, Perry Den Brok, Lindy Wijsman, Tim Mainhard, Jan Van Tartwijk
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Handbook of classroom management
INTRODUCTION Th e focus of this chapter is teachers’ perspectives on classroom management. We begin with a brief overview of a previous chapter from the fi rst Handbook on Classroom Management , which combined both student and teacher perspectives (Woolfolk Hoy & Weinstein, 2006). Woolfolk Hoy and Weinstein begin their chapter with an exploration of the meaning of the terms knowledge, beliefs, and perspectives, stating:In spite of some conceptual diff erences . . . , the majority of respondents perceived knowledge and beliefs as overlapping constructs; many ideas fall in the realm of what is both known and believed. Given that teachers oft en seem to defi ne knowledge and beliefs as overlapping constructs, and a precedent set by other researchers of teacher cognition, within this review we discuss them as overlapping and somewhat interchangeable constructs. (p. 182)Th is review begins at the …
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Scholar articles
T Wubbels, M Brekelmans, P Den Brok, L Wijsman… - Handbook of classroom management, 2014