Robert Isele, Anja Jentzsch, Christian Bizer
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The Web of Linked Data is built upon the idea that data items on the Web are connected by RDF links. Sadly, the reality on the Web shows that Linked Data sources set some RDF links pointing at data items in related data sources, but they clearly do not set RDF links to all data sources that provide related data. In this paper, we present Silk Server, an identity resolution component, which can be used within Linked Data application architectures to augment Web data with additional RDF links. Silk Server is designed to be used with an incoming stream of RDF instances, produced for example by a Linked Data crawler. Silk Server matches the RDF descriptions of incoming instances against a local set of known instances and discovers missing links between them. Based on this assessment, an application can store data about newly discovered instances in its repository or fuse data that is already known about an entity with additional data about the entity from the Web. Afterwards, we report on the results of an experiment in which Silk Server was used to generate RDF links between authors and publications from the Semantic Web Dog Food Corpus and a stream of FOAF profiles that were crawled from the Web.
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