Rachel A Ankeny
Publication date
The Routledge Handbook of Feminist Bioethics
Taylor & Francis
There has been an increasing awareness both in the scholarly literature and more generally about the important role played by gender in the context of science and technology. This perspective has arisen in parallel with a broadening of our understandings of science itself, moving away from traditional norms that hold it to be the objective pursuit of knowledge, free from values and independent of the sociocultural, political, economic and other diverse contexts within which it is practiced. In the fields of the history and philosophy of science (HPS), science and technology studies (STS), and beyond, there is now considerable focus on the processes associated with science, technology and their complexities, including the characteristic practices associated with these ways of understanding our natural world and our abilities to work with it to better our lives. Multidisciplinary feminist scholarship has been a key contributor to widening this understanding, showing us how practices within various scientific and technological fields have not only been influenced and structured by gender-related issues but indeed have been constituted by and through gender: science and technology clearly are not gender neutral. The sciences, their applications via technology, and the institutions and practices associated with them arguably reinforce many gender-related and other types of inequalities, given that there have been longstanding traditions of excluding women from scientific practice and technology development, and of not adequately acknowledging their roles when they do participate. Women and other marginalized groups and the issues of most concern …
Scholar articles
RA Ankeny - The Routledge Handbook of Feminist Bioethics, 2022