Esther Ronner, Ken E Giller
Publication date
N2Africa Milestones. Accessed
As part of a supplementary grant received from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, N2Africa is exploring the opportunities for extension of the project to Ethiopia, Uganda and Tanzania. For each of these countries, relevant background information on the importance of grain legumes, past research on legume agronomy and farming systems, as well as ongoing projects around grain legumes is gathered. This will increase N2Africa’s relevance by building on key issues raised from these previous experiences. The activity falls under Milestones S 1.2. 1–1.2. 3: Prepare review and background of previous relevant agronomic, farming systems and market research in each country. This report provides background information for Tanzania.
The report starts with general information on economy, poverty and malnutrition in Tanzania in Chapter 2, followed by statistics on production and import of grain legumes in Chapter 3. Chapter 4 presents a characterization of Tanzania’s agriculture, including agro-ecology, farming systems and market access. More detailed information on relevant grain legumes in Tanzania (common bean, soyabean, groundnut and cowpea) and results of previous research on these crops is given in Chapter 5. Chapter 6 lists ongoing projects around grain legumes in Tanzania.
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