Olivia A Skrobot, John O'Brien, Sandra Black, Christopher Chen, Charles DeCarli, Timo Erkinjuntti, Gary A Ford, Rajesh N Kalaria, Leonardo Pantoni, Florence Pasquier, Gustavo C Roman, Anders Wallin, Perminder Sachdev, Ingmar Skoog, FE Taragano, J Kril, M Cavalieri, KA Jellinger, GG Kovacs, S Engelborghs, C Lafosse, PH Bertolucci, S Brucki, P Caramelli, TC de Toledo Ferraz Alves, C Bocti, T Fulop, DB Hogan, GR Hsiung, A Kirk, L Leach, A Robillard, DJ Sahlas, Q Guo, J Tian, L Hokkanen, H Jokinen, S Benisty, V Deramecourt, J Hauw, H Lenoir, M Tsatali, M Tsolaki, U Sundar, RF Coen, AD Korczyn, M Altieri, M Baldereschi, C Caltagirone, G Caravaglios, A Di Carlo, V di Piero, Guido Gainotti, S Galluzzi, Giandomenico Logroscino, P Mecocci, DV Moretti, A Padovani, T Fukui, M Ihara, T Mizuno, SY Kim, R Akinyemi, O Baiyewu, A Ogunniyi, A Szczudlik, AJ Bastos‐Leite, H Firmino, J Massano, A Verdelho, LS Kruglov, MK Ikram, N Kandiah, E Arana, J Barroso‐Ribal, T Calatayud, AJ Cruz‐Jentoft, S López‐Pousa, P Martinez‐Lage, M Mataro, A Börjesson‐Hanson, E Englund, EJ Laukka, C Qiu, M Viitanen, GJ Biessels, F‐E de Leeuw, T den Heijer, LG Exalto, LJ Kappelle, ND Prins, E Richard, B Schmand, E van den Berg, WM van der Flier, B Bilgic, LM Allan, J Archer, J Attems, A Bayer, D Blackburn, C Brayne, R Bullock, PJ Connelly, A Farrant, M Fish, K Harkness, PG Ince, P Langhorne, J Mann, FE Matthews, P Mayer, ST Pendlebury, R Perneczky, R Peters, D Smithard, BC Stephan, JE Swartz, S Todd, DJ Werring, SN Wijayasiri, G Wilcock, G Zamboni, R Au, S Borson, A Bozoki, JN Browndyke, MM Corrada, PK Crane, BS Diniz, L Etcher, H Fillit, SM Greenberg, LT Grinberg, SW Hurt, M Lamar, M Mielke, BR Ott, G Perry, WJ Powers, C Ramos‐Estebanez, B Reed, RO Roberts, JR Romero, AJ Saykin, S Seshadri, L Silbert, Yaakov Stern, C Zarow, Yoav Ben‐Shlomo
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Alzheimer's & Dementia
Numerous diagnostic criteria have tried to tackle the variability in clinical manifestations and problematic diagnosis of vascular cognitive impairment (VCI) but none have been universally accepted. These criteria have not been readily comparable, impacting on clinical diagnosis rates and in turn prevalence estimates, research, and treatment.
The Vascular Impairment of Cognition Classification Consensus Study (VICCCS) involved participants (81% academic researchers) from 27 countries in an online Delphi consensus study. Participants reviewed previously proposed concepts to develop new guidelines.
VICCCS had a mean of 122 (98–153) respondents across the study and a 67% threshold to represent consensus. VICCCS redefined VCI including classification of mild and major forms of VCI and subtypes. It proposes new standardized VCI‐associated terminology and future …
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Scholar articles
OA Skrobot, J O'Brien, S Black, C Chen, C DeCarli… - Alzheimer's & Dementia, 2017