Luc Anselin
Publication date
Center for spatially integrated social science
This workbook contains a set of laboratory exercises initally developed for the ICPSR Summer Program courses on spatial analysis: Introduction to Spatial Data Analysis and Spatial Regression Analysis. It consists of a series of brief tutorials and worked examples that accompany the GeoDaTM User’s Guide and GeoDaTM 0.95 i Release Notes (Anselin 2003a, 2004). 1 They pertain to release 0.9. 5-i of GeoDa, which can be downloaded for free from http://sal. agecon. uiuc. edu/geoda main. php. The “official” reference to GeoDa is Anselin et al.(2004c).
GeoDaTM is a trade mark of Luc Anselin. Some of these materials were included in earlier tutorials (such as Anselin 2003b) available on the SAL web site. In addition, the workbook incorporates laboratory materials prepared for the courses ACE 492SA, Spatial Analysis and ACE 492SE, Spatial Econometrics, offered during the Fall 2003 semester in the Department of Agricultural and Consumer Economics at the University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign. There may be slight discrepancies due to changes in the version of GeoDa. In case of doubt, the most recent document should always be referred to as it supersedes all previous tutorial materials.
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