Janine Little, Danielle Tyson
Publication date
Oxford research encyclopedia of criminology and criminal justice
Oxford University Press
Filicide is the deliberate act of a parent killing a child. Despite its low occurrence, filicide is one of the most emotive offenses for a public audience. The murder of a child by their own parent challenges many of our fundamental expectations about the role of parenthood, promptinga sense of horror, outrage, and deep distress: ltviolates the idea of parental instincts as a protection for children. While maternal and paternal filicide is committed in roughly equal numbers, historically, filicide has been regarded as a female crime. However, media coverage of mothers who commit filicide differs from coverage of fathers who commit the same crime. Infanticidal mothers in particular have a long history of being demonized by the media and in popular culture. Research shows that this is partly because such events shatter expected feminine and maternal norms. Despite the considerable body of scholarly work conducted in this …
Total citations
Scholar articles
J Little, D Tyson - Oxford research encyclopedia of criminology and …, 2017