Dale Bagshaw, Thea Brown, Sarah Wendt, Alan Campbell, Elspeth McInnes, Beth Tinning, Becky Batagol, Adiva Sifris, Danielle Tyson, Joanne Baker, Paula Fernandez
Publication date
In 2009, the Australian Attorney-General commissioned research into family law and family violence in Australia, with a focus on the relationship between people’s experiences of family violence and decisions made about post-separation parenting, with and without assistance from service providers in the family law system. The study included adults and children who had separated after 1995 and after the introduction of the ‘Family Law (Shared Parental Responsibility) Amendment Act’ (Cth) in 2006.

This article reports key findings of two national online surveys with adults and children in relation to post separation parenting, which formed part of the larger research.
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