Thea Brown, Danielle Tyson
Publication date
Child Abuse Review
John Wiley & Sons
This themed issue of Child Abuse Review includes a number of articles based on papers presented at the Addressing Filicide: Inaugural International Conference for Cross National Dialogue, held 30–31 May 2013, at the Monash University Prato Centre within the heart of medieval Prato in Italy. The first of its kind, the conference aimed to bring together researchers, policy experts and service providers (governmental and non-governmental) from different countries to create an opportunity for a cross-country and interdisciplinary dialogue on filicide. A total of 53 delegates attended the conference from Australia, Malaysia, South Africa, Canada, the USA, Chile, Columbia, El Salvador, England, Northern Ireland, Ireland, The Netherlands and Austria. The delegates represented the disciplines of social work, psychology, paediatrics, psychiatry, medical general practice, nursing, criminology and law. By focusing on filicide, the conference convenors hoped to offer a critical platform from which to build and expand the existing knowledge base on filicide. Through cross-country comparisons and interdisciplinary knowledge sharing, it was hoped that the conference would contribute to better-aligning research with policy and programme development for the prevention of the tragic deaths of vulnerable children. Following the conference, Peter Sidebotham (2013) took up the challenge in his Child Abuse Review editorial and spoke of the need to advance understanding of filicide beyond the past focus on the classification of perpetrators and their motives. He drew attention to a new conceptual framework for analysis and knowledge building that he and …
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