Alexis David James Makin, John Tyson-Carr, Giulia Rampone, Yiovanna Derpsch, Damien Wright, Marco Bertamini
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Abstract visual regularities (such as reflectional symmetry) activate the extrastriate visual cortex and generate an Event Related Potential (ERP) called the Sustained Posterior Negativity (SPN). While traditional SPN papers often report a single experiment, we can learn much more by combining data from many experiments. We thus organized and catalogued 249 grand-average SPNs from 40 projects (2215 individual SPNs from 6674 participants). This ‘complete SPN catalogue’is now publicly available on Open Science Framework (https://osf. io/2sncj). We found that~ 30% of variance in SPN amplitude can be explained by two predictors: 1) an abstract model of perceptual goodness, 2) the task relevance of regularity. Although the SPN is stronger over the right hemisphere, the laws of perceptual organization (that determine SPN amplitude) are equivalent in both hemispheres. These insights could never be conclusively supported by a single experiment.
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