Sabine Trepte, Leonard Reinecke
Publication date
Journal of Media Psychology
Hogrefe Publishing
Based on the model of complex entertainment experiences (Vorderer, Klimmt, & Ritterfeld, 2004), the competitiveness of a computer game (media prerequisite) and the individual life satisfaction (user prerequisite) are hypothesized to influence game enjoyment. Avatar-player similarity was hypothesized to determine identification with the avatar, which in turn was suggested to enhance the enjoyment experience. In a quasi-experimental study,(N= 666) participants were asked to choose the personality features of an avatar for six different game scenarios. The results demonstrate that the games’ competitiveness as well as the participants’ life satisfaction influenced avatar choice and identification. In noncompetitive games, similar avatars were created, whereas in competitive games, dissimilar avatars were created. Participants who were well satisfied with their lives created avatars that resemble themselves in terms …
Total citations
Scholar articles
S Trepte, L Reinecke - Journal of Media Psychology, 2010