James Daniell, D Jorgensen, Tara Anderson, Irina Borissova, Shoiab Burq, Andrew Heap, DJ Hughes, Daniel Mantle, Gabriel Nelson, Scott Nichol, Chris Nicholson, Danielle Payne, Rachel Przeslawski, Lynda Radke, Justy Siwabessy, Craig Smith, Shipboard Party
Publication date
Geosci. Aust. Canberra
This record contains a summary of data acquired as part of Geoscience Australia marine reconnaissance survey GA2476 over the western continental margin of Australia. The survey was conducted on three legs between 25 October 2008 and 19 January 2009 using the German research vessel RV Sonne operated by RF-Forschungsschiffahrt GmbH (RF): Leg 1 departed Singapore on 20 October 2008 and returned to Fremantle on 20 November; Leg 2 departed Fremantle on 22 November and returned to Fremantle on 18 December; and Leg 3 departed Fremantle on 19 December and returned to Port Headland on 14 January 2009. Geophysical data were also acquired on RV Sonne’s transit from Port Headland on 16 January 2009 until it exited Australian waters on 19 January 2009. The survey included scientists and technical staff from Geoscience Australia (GA), Geological Survey of Western Australia (GSWA), Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS) and 18 students and three staff from the University of the Sea. This marine reconnaissance survey was part of a dual survey programme that Geoscience Australia conducted in the region. The concurrent seismic survey (GA0310) involved the collection of approximately 7,300 kilometres of commercial 2D seismic data during the period 26 November 2008 to 24 February 2009, using CGGVeritas’s marine seismic vessel MV Duke.
The marine reconnaissance survey GA2476 was designed to increase our understanding of the regional geology, petroleum prospectivity and environmental significance of the west Australian continental margin. In order to assist in this understanding, the survey …
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Scholar articles
J Daniell, D Jorgensen, T Anderson, I Borissova… - Geosci. Aust. Canberra, 2010