Dragan Gašević, Vitomir Kovanović, Srećko Joksimović, George Siemens
Publication date
The International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning
This paper reports on the results of an analysis of the research proposals submitted to the MOOC Research Initiative (MRI) funded by the Gates Foundation and administered by Athabasca University. The goal of MRI was to mobilize researchers to engage into critical interrogation of MOOCs. The submissions – 266 in Phase 1, out of which 78 was recommended for resubmission in the extended form in Phase 2, and finally, 28 funded – were analyzed by applying conventional and automated content analysis methods as well as citation network analysis methods. The results revealed the main research themes that could form a framework of the future MOOC research: i) student engagement and learning success, ii) MOOC design and curriculum, iii) self-regulated learning and social learning, iv) social network analysis and networked learning, and v) motivation, attitude and success criteria. The theme of social …
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Scholar articles
D Gašević, V Kovanović, S Joksimović, G Siemens - International Review of Research in Open and …, 2014
D Gaševic, V Kovanovic, S Joksimovic, G Siemens - A data analysis of the MOOC Research, 2014