Ramakrishna S Budampati, Patrick S Gonia, Soumitri N Kolavennu, Arun V Mahasenan
Publication date
Patent office
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A system includes a first cluster having multiple first wireless nodes. One first node is configured to act as a first cluster master, and other first nodes are configured to receive time synchronization information provided by the first cluster master. The system also includes a second cluster having one or more second wireless nodes. One second node is config ured to act as a second cluster master, and any other second nodes configured to receive time synchronization informa tion provided by the second cluster master. The system fur ther includes a manager configured to merge the clusters into a combined cluster. One of the nodes is configured to act as a single cluster master for the combined cluster, and the other nodes are configured to receive time synchronization infor mation provided by the single cluster master. 21 Claims, 33 Drawing Sheets w EAFNODE
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