Ashley B LeBaron-Black, Matthew T Saxey, Rachel M Okamoto, Nathan D Leonhardt, Adam A Rogers, Melissa A Curran
Publication date
Journal of Family and Economic Issues
Springer US
Rooted in family financial socialization theory, the multidimensional Parent Financial Socialization Scale (PFSS) includes three subscales that measure the three main methods of parent financial socialization: parent financial modeling, parent–child financial discussion, and experiential learning of finances. In this paper, we present the development and psychometric testing of nine versions of the PFSS: long (20 items), short (9 items), and minimal (3 items) versions for emerging adults, adolescents, and parents. Ideally, scholars will use the full or short versions of the PFSS to capture the theoretical complexity of the measures more completely, but the minimal versions are available for scholars with survey space constraints. We found evidence that the nine versions of the PFSS are highly reliable and reasonably valid (although we found some validity limitations as well). The PFSS is the only available measure of all …
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