Roser Saurí, Olga Batiukova, James Pustejovsky
Publication date
Technical Report Version TempEval-2010., Barcelona
This document describes the annotation guidelines for marking up instances of event mentions in Spanish text, according to the TimeML language. TimeML (Pustejovsky et al., 2005) is a specification language for events and temporal expressions. It was first developed in 2002 in an extended workshop called TERQAS (Time and Event Recognition for Question Answering Systems), 1 which focussed on the issue of answering temporally based questions regarding events and entities in news articles. In 2003, TimeML was further developed in the context of the TANGO workshop (TimeML Annotation Graphical Organizer). 2 In addition, TimeML has been consolidated as an international cross-language ISO standard (ISO WD 24617-1: 2007), and has been approved as the annotation language for TempEval, one of the tasks in the SemEval International Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (Verhagen et al., 2007, 2009).
Total citations
Scholar articles
R Saurí, L Goldberg, M Verhagen, J Pustejovsky - Version TempEval-2010, 2009