Bruce E Pinkleton, Erica Weintraub Austin, Jessica Fitts, Yushu Zhou
Publication date
Researchers conducted a telephone survey of 416 randomly selected, registered voters in Washington state in the weeks preceding the 2008 elections. The purpose of the survey was to examine the distinctive contributions of cynicism–which previous research indicates reflects a closure to news and information about public affairs–versus their skepticism–which reflects a critical but open attitude toward news and information-in respondents” media evaluations, efficacy and apathy. Results suggest citizens' cynicism damages their desire to participate in public affairs by reducing their perceptions that media are useful sources of public affairs information and their external efficacy, and by contributing to their apathy. Skepticism, conversely, does not appear to be damaging and instead associates positively with external efficacy and negatively with apathy.
Scholar articles
BE Pinkleton, EW Austin, J Fitts, Y Zhou - 2010