Ge Yu, Philip Taylor, Xin Deng
Publication date
Research Handbook of Inequalities in Later Life
Edward Elgar Publishing
There is a substantial literature on precarious work at older ages (Bruce, 2000; Curran and Blackburn, 2001; Fuchs, 1982; Giandrea, Cahill and Quinn, 2013; Zissimopoulos and Karoly, 2009; Kautonen, 2008; Platman, 2004; Singh and DeNoble, 2003; Weber and Schaper, 2004), and various patterns and determinants have been reported. However, little is known about the impact of the substantial institutional changes on older workers’ transition into precarious work. This is largely because current empirical evidence has been limited to developed nations, in particular, the UK and the US, where institutional structures and political processes have been relatively stable (Zhou, 2004; Zhou and Hou, 1999). In those economies, state policies are predictable so micro determinants, such as demographic and socioeconomic factors, are the main focus of research. In contrast, transitional economies underwent significant …
Scholar articles
G Yu, P Taylor, X Deng - Research Handbook on Inequalities in Later Life, 2024