Philip Taylor, Phillippa Carnemolla, Jane Bringolf
Publication date
Handbook on Aging and Place
Edward Elgar Publishing
In this chapter we consider issues of aged care1 work that is carried out in people’s homes viewed as workplaces. We explore how this work is experienced from both the caregiver and care recipient perspective, drawing from a review of recent literature. We compare evidence concerning the pros and cons of receiving and delivering care at home. While ‘aging in place’is nowadays considered the optimal approach, a workforce perspective indicates that by the nature of such work, there may be suboptimal outcomes for those employed in the sector, to the detriment of both them and the care recipient. We argue that the promise of aging in place cannot be fully realized without a greater focus on the quality of home-based aged care work and the optimal aging (Brummel-Smith, 2007) of those in such jobs. Work is being redefined. The ‘future of work’is a topic of long-standing commentary and policy interest (OECD …
Scholar articles
P Taylor, P Carnemolla, J Bringolf - Handbook on Aging and Place, 2024