Ryosuke Nakashima, Shigeo Yoshida
Publication date
arXiv preprint arXiv:2310.01341
Two-dimensional (2D) ideal incompressible magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) linear waves at the surface of a rotating sphere are studied as a model imitating the outermost Earth's core or the solar tachocline. This thin conducting layer is permeated by a toroidal magnetic field whose magnitude depends only on the latitude. The Malkus background field, which is proportional to the sine of the colatitude, gives two well-known groups of branches on which Alfv\'en waves gradually become fast or slow magnetic Rossby (MR) waves as the field amplitude decreases. For non-Malkus fields, we show that the associated eigenvalue problems can yield a continuous spectrum instead of Alfv\'en and slow MR discrete modes. Critical latitudes attributed to the Alfv\'en resonance wipe out these discrete eigenvalues and produce an infinite number of singular eigenmodes. The theory of slowly varying wave trains in an inhomogeneous magnetic field shows that a wave packet related to this continuous spectrum propagates toward a critical latitude corresponding to the wave and is eventually absorbed there. The expected behaviour that the retrograde propagating packets which pertain to the continuous spectrum approach the latitudes from the equatorial side and that the prograde ones approach there from the polar side is consistent with the profiles of their eigenfunctions shown by our numerical calculations. Further in-depth discussions of the Alfv\'en continuum would progress the theory of ``wave-mean field interaction'' in the MHD system and one's understanding of the dynamics in such thin layers.