Alan Wassyng, Erik Simmons, Robert Hall, Don Gause, Anthony Finkelstein, Daniela Damian, Daniel M Berry
Publication date
13th IEEE International Conference on Requirements Engineering (RE'05)
IEEE Computer Society
The by an author’s name means that the author plans to be present at the panel session. RE researchers have noted time and again the difficulty of technology transfer, that of getting technology that RE research has developed and found useful to be used in industrial practice. The numerous panels we have had over the years on this subject are proof of the pervasiveness and permanence of this problem. One thing that keeps many software-development organizations from doing serious requirements engineering before beginning development is the perception that doing requirements engineering wastes time and delays getting on to the real work, designing and programming. Many a manager says," I know that we should work out the requirements in detail, but we don’t have time. We have to get started on the programming because we have a short deadline to deliver the code!". He or she says this despite all …
Total citations
Scholar articles
A Wassyng, E Simmons, R Hall, D Gause, A Finkelstein… - 13th IEEE International Conference on Requirements …, 2005