Song-Hee Kim, Fanyin Zheng, Joan Brown
Publication date
Management Science
Because a hospital is an interconnected, interdependent network of care units, allocating resources—beds, nurses, and improvement initiatives—to one unit to reduce its congestion may have spillover effects on other units. If such congestion spillover is substantial, ignoring it may lead to unintended consequences and missed opportunities. We use data collected over five years from a hospital with 16 inpatient units to empirically examine whether and how much congestion propagates through the network of inpatient units. Our estimation result suggests that the magnitude of the congestion spillover is indeed substantial in our study hospital. For example, increasing one inpatient unit’s utilization by 10 percentage points today can increase its neighboring inpatient unit’s utilization by up to 4.33 percentage points tomorrow. Using counterfactual analyses, we estimate the effect of adding a bed to each unit. We find that …
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