Tara Kelley-Baker, James Evan Lange, Robert B Voas
Publication date
Proceedings International Council on Alcohol, Drugs and Traffic Safety Conference
International Council on Alcohol, Drugs and Traffic Safety
Several studies have reported that drinking and driving has declined in recent years. The effect, however, may be primarily in male drivers (Popkin, 1991, 1993). Although men who die in motor vehicle crashes are almost twice as likely as women to be legally intoxicated, women are apparently drinking and driving more often, and their involvement in alcohol-related fatal crashes is increasing (CDC, 1992). Four recent random-digit dial telephone surveys were used to examine self-reported drinking-and-driving experiences (DDEs) among women aged 16 to 20. Questions posed measured alcohol consumption, knowledge, risk perception, drinking environment, and their relationship to DDEs. Although all four surveys were California samples, they varied on age and geographic restrictions. Similar results, however, were obtained from all four.
Scholar articles
T Kelley-Baker, JE Lange, RB Voas - Proceedings International Council on Alcohol, Drugs …, 2000