Mitra Pahlavan, Marina Papatriantafilou, Elad M Schiller
Publication date
Proceedings of the 9th ACM international symposium on Mobility management and wireless access
Vehicular system designers often use simulation tools in order to prove vehicular systems. The computational complexity of detailed simulations limits the scale of such testings. Therefore, it is often the case that the first full-scale demonstrations of new concepts for vehicular systems are done in proving grounds and testing tracks.
We propose Gulliver as a platform for studying vehicular systems on a large scale open source test-bed of low cost miniature vehicles that use wireless communication and are equipped with onboard sensors. Our approach provides a simpler yet detailed investigation of vehicular systems. This paper presents the platform with its design and a set of applications that could be demonstrated by Gulliver. Gulliver allows the design of vehicular systems to focus on the cyber-physical aspects of the studied problems.
We expect that Gulliver will allow affordability and flexibility for a wider range of …
Total citations
Scholar articles
M Pahlavan, M Papatriantafilou, EM Schiller - Proceedings of the 9th ACM international symposium …, 2011